
Ciné PR Portfolio:

While enrolled in ADPR 5920 Public Relations Communication, I created this PR portfolio for an Athens-based client. This strategic communication plan required client and market research to develop traditional and digital media plans for my client’s brand. You will find press releases, a blog post, social media strategy and more in this portfolio.


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Project Safe Crisis Management Plan:

While enrolled in ADPR 5120 Crisis Communication, I created this crisis management plan with a team of other students. We developed a thorough crisis plan for local nonprofit organization, Project Safe. In this plan, you will find assessments of the organization’s key publics, sample press briefings, crisis evaluation forms and more helpful resources for crises.


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Crisis Communication Casebook:

While enrolled in ADPR 5120 Crisis Communication, I examined five organizational crises from the following categories: Corporate, Nonprofit, Health, Disaster and Sports. For each case, I provided a detailed account of the crisis type, key publics, social media and traditional media influences and responses, the organizational crisis response and my personal evaluation of how the organization communicated in response to the crisis and what I would do differently.


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ACCA Biotechnology Pathway PR Campaign:

While enrolled in ADPR 5960 Public Relations Campaigns, I worked with a team of other aspiring PR professionals to develop a campaign for Athens Community Career Academy’s new Biotechnology pathway. Throughout the semester, we conducted thorough client research, developed a creative concept, analyzed their target audiences designed deliverables and more. At the end of the semester, we pitched our final campaign to the ACCA Board.