The Plot of the Movie

"Hold it! Hold it! What is this? Are you trying to trick me? Where's the sports? Is this a kissing book?"

the opening scene of the grandson complaining

Disney+, where The Princess Bride currently streams describes the film as "A fairy tale adventure about a beautiful young woman and her one true love. He must find her after a long separation and save her. They must battle the evils of the mythical kingdom of Florin to be reunited with each other. Based on the William Goldman novel "The Princess Bride" which earned its own loyal audience."

The film begins with the narrator, an older man, reading to his sick grandson a story about a young maid who falls in love with her farmhand. The boy, of course, is not impressed, but gives the story a chance.

The farmboy leaves the young maid, Buttercup, in order to make his fortune, but is alledgely killed by the Dread Pirate Roberts. Buttercup mourns the loss of her one true love and then reluctantly agrees to marry Prince Humperdinck. However, Humperdinck had ulterior motives for this union: he plans to have Buttercup kidnapped and murdered to start a war with a neighboring country. Thus, he hires Vizzini, Inigo, and Fezzik to follow through with the plan.

After being captured, Buttercup is rescued by a man in black, who turns out to be Westley. Inigo and Fezzik survive the rescue. Vizzini, however, does not. Westley reveals to Buttercup that he had taken over the title of the Dread Pirate Roberts, which is why he never came back home to her. The pair heads into the Fire Swamp to evade Prince Humperdinck and his search party. Buttercup and Westley run into some danger but emerge alive on the other side of the swamp where Humperdinck was waiting.

The prince promises no harm will come to Westley, but integrity isn't in his genes. Count Rugen, Humperdinck's right-hand man takes Westley away to the Pit of Despair. He is then hooked up to "The Machine."

Humperdinck rushes his wedding planning with Princess Buttercup and decides to kill her on their wedding night. Buttercup had the same idea, as she threatens to kill herself if Westley doesn't save her. Because of this, Humperdinck goes down to the Pit of Despair and boosts the Machine up and nearly kills him.

Inigo and Fessik join forces once again to save Westley, but only so they gain entrance into the castle to kill Count Rugen, for he was the six-fingered man who killed Inigo's father. They take him to Miracle Max who agrees to bring him back to life.

The trio invades the castle, kills Count Rugen, and reunites with Princess Buttercup. Prince Humperdinck is left tied up alone. The lovers and friends ride off into the sunset.