Project Two Reflection

Panel One

Screenshot of panel one

Panel One was so fun to create. I chose a topic that I am very interested in, so even though it was time consuming, I enjoyed it. Customizing bootstrap was easier for me than customizing html. I was able to create a webpage that I am proud of and like aesthetically. was the greatest resource for this entire project. I would say the most challenging part of this panel was the photo galleries. This is because the images weren't all the same size and kept getting misaligned. After a little bit of messing around with it, I was able to figure out a way to align all of the photos with their captions.

Panel Two

Screenshot of panel two

Panel Two was the easy and quickest of the three. The most time consuming part was picking a theme that worked well with the website I envisioned. Once I had a good theme picked out, I was able to quickly insert all of my content. It was a little frustrating to not be able to edit any of the css, so I was happy to finally get to panel three.

Panel Three

Screenshot of panel three

Panel Three was my favorite to create out of the three panels. I finally got to create and customize a webpage to exactly what I wanted it to be with more intereactive features than I had in project one. This panel was slightly more challenging for me than the previous two. I had some trouble using inspect to find specific css I wanted to change, but once I got the hang of it, I easily changed the fonts, colors, and images I wanted. I am so proud of my finished product and can't wait to see what else I create in the next few projects!