Project Three Reflection


At first working with Wordpress was difficult for me. It was harder to figure out how to customize certain aspects of the theme, like color specifically. After some playing around with it, I was able to customize the news theme into something more personalized. I really enjoyed making a news site and really getting to think about what real news sites would incorporate on their websites. It was a nice way to get creative. I found that adding menus and widgets make the site way more interactive and was fairly simple to do. The only thing I struggled the most with was moving my Wordpress sites over to my Cyberduck server. Apart from that roadblock, this project was fun and relatively easy compared to Project 2.

Screenshot of project 3 news


Similar to the News site I made on Wordpress, I had some trouble customizing the theme for the Commerce site. Because I decided to create a fake makeup store, I wanted the main theme colors to be shades of pink and blue. This project was super fun to do because it let me dive into my creativity more. I even had some of my friends write fake reviews for my products to add to the "realness" of the store website. Just like with the News site, I had a lot of trouble getting my Wordpress site onto my server, but with the help of my teacher and the NMIXperts I was able to figure it out.

Screenshot of project 3 commerce