Project Four Reflection

Project Four

This has been my favorite project to work on all semester. While I admit I do not completely understand JavaScript yet, the JavaScript30 challenges have helped expand my JS skillset and let me have fun while doing so.

The Drum Kit is my absolute favorite "game" I created. I chose it because of the interactive qualities and because I wanted to play around with sound components. I customized the CSS for the Drum Kit to make the overall aesthetic more unique to me.

My second challenge was the HTML5 Canvas. I chose that one because it seemed fairly simple compared to other challenges. Similar to the Drum Kit, I customized the CSS with a text animation and different fonts.

The third challenge I chose to complete was Speech Synthesis. This was another relatively easy one for me. It was fun to play around with, changing the pitches around, and messing with the speed. A challenge I faced with this challenge was customizing the JavaScript and CSS. I created mutiple drafts of CSS files and kept messing up the functions of the game. It took a lot of trial and error to get it looking and working exactly how I wanted.

Screenshot of project 4 drumkit Screenshot of project 4 canvas Screenshot of project 4 speech synthesis